to say we’ve known austin for a long time wouldn’t be an exaggeration; he and our oldest boys were vacation Bible school buddies during our first years of home schooling. although the miles separated us and the years passed, we’ve not lost touch with his awesome family, and it was nothing but FUN to photograph austin for his senior portraits.




he’s handsome, he’s super athletic (cross fit anyone?), and he’s willing to try anything – the trifecta for an amazing senior guy’s portrait session. during the shoot, austin sweet-talked his way into a lamborghini, a movie theatre, and the good graces of an alaskan eskimo owned by the proprietors of a high-end jewelry store. oh, and he had ladies moving aside to make room for him in the swanky VIP lounge of the waldorf astoria naples.

austin, thanks for being so. much. fun. there are great things in store for you!